Since the inception of the school in 2001, we have put a considerable amount of effort to ensure that the work environment at Riverside brings in the best and brightest talent. We choose to invest in the best.

  • Kiran Bir Sethi

    Kiran Bir Sethi is a designer turned educator, a principal who evolved into an education reformer, and
    ultimately a social entrepreneur. A trained visual communicator from the National Institute of Design
    (NID), she seamlessly applies the language of design as a tool for user-centered innovation in
    Pioneering Educational Transformation
    In 2001, Sethi founded the award-winning Riverside School in Ahmedabad, India. Riverside is
    recognized as a living laboratory for prototyping design-led educational models that build a culture of
    empowerment, shaping young citizen leaders with an I CAN mindset—encouraging students to take
    agency for the greater good. This philosophy is nurtured by the 5 E’s: Empathy, Ethics, Excellence,
    Elevation, and Evolution—guiding students toward becoming more HumanE by Design.
    Scaling Impact: From Riverside to the World
    In 2016, she established the Riverside Learning Centre (RLC), codifying Riverside’s practices into six
    core pillars—Curriculum, Parent Partnership, Personal & Professional Development, Community,
    Administration, and Leadership. RLC’s training programs empower schools worldwide to become I
    CAN Schools, replicating Riverside’s success at a global scale.
    In 2007, Sethi founded aProCh (A Protagonist in Every Child), an initiative to make cities more childfriendly,
    earning her the Ashoka Fellowship in 2008 and the Yidan Fellowship in 2019.
    The Global Movement: Design for Change
    In 2009, Sethi launched Design for Change (DFC)—the world’s largest movement by and for
    children, spanning 60+ countries and impacting over 2.2 million children and 65,000 teachers. Using
    the simple Feel / Imagine / Do / Share (FIDS) framework, DFC empowers children to design
    solutions for social challenges.
    Her book, Every Child CAN (HarperCollins, 2023), chronicles this journey, offering insights into
    Riverside’s unique design-driven approach to education.
    Awards & Recognition
    Kiran, Riverside, and Design for Change have received numerous accolades, including:
    • 2024 - Changemaker Of the Year by Hindu, Businessline
    • 2023 – World’s Best School Prize for Innovation (T4 Education)
    • 2022 – Design for Change inducted into’s Hall of Fame
    • 2021 – Invited as a judge for the prestigious Yidan Prize
    • 2019 – Conceptualized and co-hosted the first-ever All-Faith I CAN Global Summit at the Vatican,
    where 2,500 children from 40 countries were blessed by Pope Francis
    • 2019 – The Earth Prize, Luino, Italy
    • 2019 – Chen Yidan Visiting Global Fellow, Harvard University
    • 2019 – Lexus Design Award (Pune, India)
    • 2018 – Light of Freedom Award, Vital Voices, USA
    • 2018 – Featured by Edutopia for best educational practices
    • 2017-2020 – Design for Change consistently ranked among the 100 most innovative educational
    programs globally by (Finland)
    Personal Life & Interests
    Kiran lives in Ahmedabad with her husband, world billiards champion Geet Sethi, and their two
    children, Raag and Jazz. She finds joy in music, dancing, movies, and has an insatiable love for fruitfilled
    dark chocolates!
    🌍 Connect: | |

  • Aritra Raj
    P.G. in Communications and PR | 7 years in Education

    Aritra is a storm trooper parent, with a penchant for writing, teaching and learning. The quote she lives by is “the soul is healed by being with children.’’ She was earlier working at Udgam School for Children as the 'Content Manager'. She also blogs at various online platforms like First Moms Club, Baby Chakra etc. and is also the main editor of 'The Latte Mom'. She first heard about Riverside School when they shifted to Ahmedabad in 2012 and were looking for schools for her son. This year however, she got double lucky to enter the Riverside family both as a parent and also as Keystage 3 English teacher (General English for Grades 11 and 12) . Aritra is super excited as she will be associated with DFC as well. She loves reading and is a big cinephile too. She loves happily ever afters such as DDLJ, Pretty Woman and the likes!! Given the current scenario, when Netflix is our solace, she's pretty much hooked onto foreign and regional movies. The last one she watched was a French movie 'Nothing to Hide'.

  • Fozia Contractor
    CWA, B.Ed | 17 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Fozia Contractor, also known as The Synthesizer. Fozia has a passion for reading, logical thinking and accounting, which she teaches to her students through different languages of learning. She adds value to her students’ learning by enhancing their awareness of current affairs by helping to build their perspective and asking the right questions. She also builds on their logical and mathematical competency and being empathetic, as she wants her children to be responsible global citizens. She aims to equip her students with good conceptual understanding and a bank of strategies by giving metaphors, hands on real life experiences, playing games, using manipulatives and doing problem-solving scenarios. Fozia also helps her colleagues better their practice by training, doing observations and giving constructive feedback. This helps educators share and elevate their practice for teaching the relevance of learning to their young learners. When we met one of Fozia’s students, she said, "In her presence , we feel a sense of responsibility as a global citizen. She has a great sense of humor and holds us accountable." A parent said, "She is a friend and an inspiring teacher for my young daughter." Additionally, a colleague added that "Fozia's laughter echoes through the room and her mindfulness about various tasks and people ensures its completion to the T." Fozia is a B.Ed graduate from IGNOU, a B.Com graduate from Mumbai University and an ICWA graduate. She has also worked as a Management Auditor for 3 years for a multinational company.

  • Kirti Zala
    MBA, Masters in Finance | 12 years with aProCh

    Meet Eduhero Kirti Zala, also known as Persipatient! On a typical day, you will find her creating opportunities for children to engage in free play as a member of the aProCh program. Kirti enthusiastically organizes different initiatives like Street Smart, Parents of the Park, City on Cycles and Mov’ing Experience. When we met her stakeholder, Mr. Neeraj from NGO Saath, this is what he had to say about her: “Kirtiben has provided an opportunity for children to experience and explore spaces outside their community. She is able to handle situations under pressure in calm and confident manner, making each experience beneficial for the child.” Another stakeholder, Mr. Soham Shukla from Spark Foundation, added, “Her dedication to make programs valuable and successful, and her relationship-building skills and continual support ensures partners are always motivated. Kirti has a Master’s degree in Business Administration from B.K. School of Management, Ahmedabad, as well as a Master’s degree in Finance from Strathclyde University, Scotland. She has worked in the Hospitality Industry for 7 years and is currently running a Placement and Staffing Firm.

  • Nikita Desai
    F. Y. B.Com | 6 Years in DFC | 22 years in Education

    Nikita Desai joined as a member of the Design For Change - Global team in 2017. She has been with Riverside School for the past 22 years as a parent, an educator, Head of Riverside Learning Center and as a School Leader for Key Stage 2. (Grades 3 to 7) The fundamental philosophy that drives Nikita’s impeccable work ethic of hard work, dedication and user-centered design is, knowing that with adequate opportunities and support, every child can do anything and everything. Attuned to the Design for Change motto of ‘I Can’, she aspires to help all her students become aware of what bothers them and then to empower them to shift focus from vision to action. Nikita’s understanding of the pedagogy has been strengthened through training in Multiple Intelligence, Differentiated Instruction as well as an online course by the Harvard Graduate School of Education - ‘Teaching for Understanding’. She was invited to present Riverside’s philosophy by the Royal Education Council of Bhutan, Day Star School, Beijing, and Design Thinking at the Teach For All conference in London. She has also co-facilitated a workshop with Kiran Sethi at the Lego conference in Billund. She has been to schools in Rajkot, Anand, Sangamner, and Chittoor as an auditor for their pedagogy and practice. She has been the core team member in organizing the I CAN Children's Global Summit in Rome, where 2000 children from around 40 countries had a personal audience with Pope. Nikita enjoys interacting with people and meeting new minds, photography, listening to music, traveling, and trying different types of food.

  • Asma Hussain
    Bachelor’s in Economics | 8 Years in DFC

    Meet Eduhero ​Asma​. ​As​ma's passion lies in her deep interest on how do children learn best. She has been in the field of education from a very young age. Asma has taught children from a diverse age group, teaching science and math to young second graders to teaching economics to high school students. She directs her pedagogy practice in enabling children to be independent thinkers. She has been a school educator for five years and her voluntary teaching goes back to more than seven years. At Riverside, she works with the DFC team, with whom she works toward the implementation of the Design Thinking Curriculum across the country​. This gives her an opportunity to interact with different stakeholders and disseminate her leanings in building a strong network of educators who work on building the “I Can” mindset. She also works as a resource person and is currently working on different resources which focus on 21st century skills. Asma is friendly and very approachable, and she operates with a solution-oriented​ approach. Asma has volunteered with the British Information Center, Guwahati in various capacities. She is a certified GLOBE teacher. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Education from Gauhati University.​ She was a 2013 fellow at Teach for India. Asma enjoys working with technology. She's an avid reader and huge movie buff.

  • Ritu Agrawal
    MSc in Dietetics and Food service Management, B.Ed | 14 years in Administration

    Ritu is a B.Sc. Graduate and she also holds a Masters Degree in Dietetics & Food Services Management and B. Ed. She worked with Riverside for 5 years from 2003 to 2008 as a Pre-K Teacher and also handled admin work for the academic year 2007-2008. During her tenure at the School, she took in-house training in “Teaching for Understanding”, “Making Learning Visible”, “Multiple Intelligences”, “Differentiated Instructions”, etc. Then, for one year, she joined Apollo Hospital as a Dietician in 2008. However, her love for children and more importantly her “soul-connect” with Riverside, has brought her back to the School as an Administrator from 2008 onwards.

  • Nilesh Khare
    Diploma in Multimedia & animation | 16 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Nilesh Khare, also known as TechMan. Nilesh believes that technology is a way of life. His work adds value to Riverside by integrating technology into real life in a way that makes it accessible. He spends his time with children on how to work with different tools to make life simple. The children are well versed with the tools they know and can apply them where and when needed.

    When we met his students, this is what they most had to say about him: “We always enjoy and learn new skills in his IT sessions. He is patient and takes time with everyone till they understand. He always shows different examples and tutorials in his sessions for which he does a lot of research. In all his sessions we find that his interest and focus is exceptional. He always helps us to understand different skills and is also very polite. We always wait and are excited for his sessions. We are looking forward for next year IT sessions.”
    Nilesh has a degree in Multimedia and Animation. He taught at Aptech for two and a half years.

  • Amit Dixit
    B.Ed | 20 years in education

    Meet Eduhero Amit Dixit, also known as Equalizer. Amit is passionate about reasoning and interpretation and his strategies add value to anyone and everyone around him while noticing, questioning and listening with utmost care. When we met his students, this is what they had to say: "He keeps us engaged and the class is not to be taken lightly. His examples allow us to think more about the topic and diagrams allows us to make connections in various situations.” Additionally, one parent said, “His ability to pick up on their patterns and work on them is simply unmatched, and the care he takes of them is unending. We are at peace when kids are with him.” Amit has a B.Sc. from Sir P. P. Institute of Science and a B.Ed. from Bhavnagar University. He has been teaching mathematics for eight years and worked as a script-writer for animated movies about mathematics for two years.

  • Nilesh Patel
    M.Sc. B.Ed | 10 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Nilesh Patel, also known as Dr. Expericurious. Nilesh enjoys teaching scientific thinking and is always asking questions, cracking jokes and designing experiments. When we met his students, this is what most of them had to say: “He keeps our curiosity alive by keeping his curiosity alive by designing experiments. We always have fun with him, and he keeps us engaged in his sessions because he make us observe different phenomena that make us think. His Friday challenges are really fun as well. He is very passionate for his subject because he shows the relevance for each topic and crack jokes in physics language. He is a person who doesn’t just speak but proves phenomena and shows it. We have learned from him that if you trust your theory than you trust your practice.” Nilesh has a Master’s degree in Physics with a specialization in Spectroscopy from The Maharaja SayjiRao University of Baroda. He has studied the relationship between photospheric magnetic flux and coronal X-ray emission of the sun as research scholar at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad.

  • Raju Shaikh
    B.Com | 5 years as a Lab Consultant

    Raju Shaikh has joined Riverside as a Lab Consultant. He has a B.Com Degree from Ahmedabad College, and has previously worked in the Garment Industry. Raju is a soft-spoken and humble person who is very dedicated in all that he does. Besides handling the Biology, Chemistry and Physics Laboratories, he also helps look after the maintenance of the School premises. He enjoys driving and travelling, and is ever willing to help in whatever way he can.

  • Jaya Sharma
    M.Sc, B.Ed | 25 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Jaya Sharma, also known as Mistree. Jaya is passionate about the sustainability of earth and tries to get others to make informed choices considering the highest order for a sustainable biosphere. She reveals the amazing designs of life in all forms and their values, which in turn ignites the sense of respect and care for self and others. She makes the living world appear worth taking care of. This journey includes activities like looking into a body after death and drama, and through that, all the ‘whys’ start to unravel. Sharing happens all the time between her and her students, be it when one is falling ill or falling in love. When we met her students, this is what they most had to say about her: “How excited she is about life is inspiring. We remember having fun dissecting the heart of a buffalo – I haven’t heard happening in any other school! She focuses a lot on ensuring we learn to take care of ourselves.” Jaya holds a Master’s degree in Science with a specialization in Genetics and a B.Ed, both from Kolkata University. She has been teaching for fifteen years.

  • Dr. Poonam Sharma Pathak
    PhD in education | 19 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Poonam Sharma, also known as Lady Vayaktakar. Poonam has a passion for Hindi, which she teaches to her students through different languages of learning. She adds value to her students’ learning by enhancing their language competency and being humane, as she wants her children to express their feelings better. She aims to equip children with good vocabulary and a bank of strategies by reading with them, playing word games, and creating and enacting different stories, poems and letters. Poonam works with students, parents and other teachers alike and is open to feedback. When we met her students, this is what they had to say about her: “We enjoyed sessions, learnt a lot of new vocabulary and got to know how we can read Hindi in a better manner.” Poonam has a Ph.D. in Education from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University in Agra, along with Master’s degrees in Hindi and Economics. Additionally, she has been a lecturer for seven years in a B.Ed. College and is qualified as a Nursery Teacher Trainer.

  • Viddhi Trivedi
    M.Com, B.Ed, Advance diploma in child care and child development | 9 years in Education

    'With-Ye', that's how we know Viddhi Trivedi at Riverside. She is one of the teachers on who everyone can rely on for anything. She is approachable by everyone and anyone. She has a unique sense of understanding about the people around her that enables her to Empathize with people. She is passionate about her subject and that's what she aims to develop in her students. She believes in preparing students for life and that is what she does along with teaching Economics and Business studies. Making connections and experiencing theoretical knowledge in practice is her forte which she passes on to her students. Viddhi has completed her entire education from Mumbai and worked with many schools there. With more than nine years of teaching experience (different age groups), she has and will continue to make a difference.

  • Bhavika Chandnani
    B.Ed | 17 years in Education

    Bhavika is an accomplished educational leader with 17 years of distinguished experience in the education sector. Throughout her career, she has served as an early childhood educator, middle school practitioner, and most recently, an educational leader.

    Her educational philosophy centers around the belief that actual learning occurs beyond the classroom. She is committed to providing students with the right platform to exceed expectations and develop their competencies. Bhavika's expertise lies in client projects where she helps students solve real-life problems, building 21st-century skills and making an impact in their communities.

    Bhavika's commitment to understanding how young minds learn has led her to achieve a Certificate in Multiple Intelligence from Harvard University.

    Currently, Bhavika is an integral part of The Riverside School family, where she wears multiple hats, including educator, key stage champion, teacher mentor, and capacity-building expert around the globe. Her passion for continuous learning and development, outstanding leadership skills, emotional intelligence, patience, calmness, relationships and connections, versatility and adaptability, and commitment to building a nurturing environment for students, colleagues, and trainees alike make her an invaluable asset to her professional circle.

    In her personal life, Bhavika enjoys spending quality time with her family, practicing yoga and meditation, and taking evening walks in nature to find peace. These activities highlight her dedication to self-care and personal growth.

  • Muzammil Mohammed
    PG in Physics, B.Ed | 13 years in Education

    Muzammil Mohammed is a highly experienced and dedicated educator who has been teaching Key Stage 2 students at Riverside School for the past decade. Alongside his teaching responsibilities, he is also a skilled trainer who has provided guidance and support to numerous teachers and educational leaders over the last six years.

    Muzammil's passion for creativity and innovation is evident in his work as a magician in Riverside School's Makerspace. He is highly adept at using storytelling as a tool to enhance student learning, encouraging self-inquiry and reflection among his pupils.

    Muzammil is highly valued and respected by his students thanks to his empathetic approach to teaching. He is always willing to listen to their concerns and help them overcome any anxieties or confusion they may be experiencing.

    Outside of his work in education, Muzammil is also an avid photographer, and you're likely to find him exploring the great outdoors with a camera in hand. He is also highly skilled at working with technology and enjoys tinkering with gadgets and devices in his spare time.

  • Prasmi P. R.
    B.Sc, B.Ed | 13 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Prasmi P.R., also known as the "Lover of Nature." She finds beauty in every specimen of the natural world and holds herself responsible to take care of the same. She hopes to pass on the baton of protecting the environment to the students at Riverside. She believes that awareness and scientific thinking will empower the students to fulfil this responsibility. The study of science reflects not only the human understanding of the world around them, but also brings them closer to other living things with whom they share this beautiful planet. Prasmi has completed her B.Sc. and B.Ed. from Delhi University, along with a Diploma in Environmental Law from WWF (India). She has worked with an environmental NGO before joining the field of education in the 2010. Her prior work experience includes over six years in the primary years as a homeroom teacher and grade coordinator, in addition to training and handholding new teachers for the IB Primary Years Program.

  • Shafaq Munshi
    M. Com, B.Ed | 6 years in Education

    Shafaq Munshi has a pleasant and extrovert personality. She enjoys bringing a creative twist in her sessions and adopting new methods of teaching. Her enthusiasm is contagious and so is her smile! Teaching for her is a two-way learning as well as an interactive process which enables growth of not only the learner but also the educator. Her love for kids keeps growing day by day as she moves ahead on the journey of being an educator.... currently in KS1. Shafaq is a Commerce graduate from Gujarat University and holds a B.Ed degree from GLS University. She intends pursuing M.Com in the near future. She loves to travel and explore new places and is always ready to learn and do new things.

  • Vidhi Rajdev
    B.Ed, ECCE, PGDM | 10 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Vidhi Rajdev, also known as Flash Girl. Vidhi believes that “one size does not fit all” in the classroom and works to teach and reach each child in her class. She adds value with her calm nature and patient approach along with her constant effort to hone her practice by design and not by chance. Vidhi’s performance in the classroom hasn’t gone unnoticed. As one TeacherEd member remarked, “The way [Vidhi] addresses the needs of children with special needs is commendable and shows her ability to reach out to all in her class.” A parent of one of Vidhi’s students said, “Whatever roots you are developing in my child -- it’s simply amazing.” Vidhi has a Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education, in addition to a Master’s degree in Finance. Vidhi has eight years of working experience in education.

  • Deepa Avashia
    B.Com | 16 years in Education

    An avid reader, Deepa’s love with education started 16 years ago prompted by the need to find the right education for her own children. What started as an interest in learning has now become a deep compelling passion to uncover and discover the constructs of how the mind acquires understanding, this passion and curiosity to understand how children learn has nudged her to seek out innovative approaches to education.

    One turning point was her participation in the Design thinking Workshop at the ‘d school, Stanford University. This experience helped fuel her optimism and reinforced her belief that using values such as empathy, collaboration and creativity children can be resilient problem solvers.
    Deepa has since incorporated design thinking into her teaching and leadership practice, using it as a tool to help students and colleagues approach challenges from a human centered perspective. She also believes in systems thinking, recognizing the interconnectedness of different aspects of education and seeking to create a holistic approach to learning.
    Deepa is a tireless advocate of student agency and believes that by instilling the love for learning in students they can make a positive impact on their lives and the world around them .
    Over the years Deepa has held several leadership positions including that of serving as a School Leader for the last 5 years. In this role she has been instrumental in leading her team to create innovative programs that have made positive impact on student outcomes .
    Deepa recognises the importance that all stakeholders play in creating a thriving learning environment for the students and hence invests her time not only with the parents, encouraging them to be active participants in their children’s learning journey but also the team constantly showing them the vision and inspiring them to be role models of both intellectual curiosity and compassion thereby making an attempt every today to make the world a little more kind just and equitable .

  • Itchha Chainani
    B. Sc (mathematics), B. Ed | 16 years in Education

    Itchha is a remarkable leader in the education sector, with almost two decades of experience as a practitioner. She has championed Key Stage 2 for the past three years, experimenting with various teaching and learning practices such as experiential, hands-on, game-based, and project-based learning. Itchha's leadership extends beyond her classroom as she also serves as a teacher trainer and capacity building expert for various institutes across the country. Her focus on developing educational programs and strategies that foster student success and well-being showcases her exceptional leadership skills. She is particularly skilled in mentoring and equipping teachers for making learning contextual and meaningful, which helps to nurture responsible global citizens. Itchha's expertise and leadership have had a significant impact on her students and colleagues over the past 14 years at Riverside.
    Her passion towards Mathematics is contagious and she greedily engages her students and co-educators with her enthusiasm towards the discipline. Her unique ability to see logic and math in everything around her, helps her children see the transdisciplinary connections in the subject matter and apply it in real life situations. Her passion towards Mathematics and innovative teaching practices have not only helped her students excel academically but have also instilled in them a sense of purpose and social responsibility.
    Itchha's commitment to fostering student success and well-being is a testament to her unwavering dedication to education and her vision of nurturing citizens who can change the world for the better.

  • Hetal Jariwala
    B.Ed | 19 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Hetal Jariwala, also known as Mama Gensitive. Hetal always seeks to improve the well-being of her students and teachers. She comforts them by listening to them with a lot of patience. She also allows for a lot of voice and choice in her daily practice by showing the relevance of everything. You will see her stretching herself to improve on her practice and doing so regularly. When we met Prachi, a student of her class, she shared, “We can go to Hetal ma’am whenever we are feeling low. She makes all the sessions quite interesting, but especially when it comes to hands-on learning.” Hetal studied Commerce at Gujarat University and has a B.Ed. She has taken courses in “Training in Multiple Intelligences,” Teaching for Understanding,” and “Making Learning Visible” as well.

  • Priti Patel
    B.Com | 20 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Priti Patel, also known as Dr. Emwise. On a typical day, you will find Priti welcoming everybody with a warm smile and a comforting hug. Priti adds immense value the Riverside community by putting immense energy into her relationships with everyone at Riverside. She is loving and trustworthy, and you can rely on for any kind of help. “When Priti ma’am is there, nothing to worry,” one parent said assuredly, “she knows our children so well, the times when they are low or need any kind of help we trust she is there for them.” Prat cares deeply for each of her students, and constantly goes out of her way to make sure their wellbeing is her first priority. This effort is not lost on the students. “Ma’am comes with a positive energy,” said one of her eighth grade students, “she lightens up the place with love and humor.”

  • Monisha Purohit
    M.Com, B.Ed | 20 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Monisha Purohit, also known as Actitudent. Monisha stays true to the values she believes in and her strength lies in the fact that she never gives up. She believes in teaching and reaching students by focusing on the 3 R’s of Riverside: relevance, relationships and rigor. By bringing opportunities such as business challenges and expert interventions, she connects classroom teaching to the real world, which leads to enduring understanding. and tries to build a strong bond with her students. Moreover, she adds value to the Riverside team by mentoring other teachers to focus on quality learning. Monisha has been working at Riverside for the past Nine years. She has a Master’s degree in Commerce, a B.Ed, and has received her Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainers.

  • Archana Todi
    B.Com, B. Ed | 18 years in Education

    With 18 years of experience as an Early Childhood Educator and a champion of Keystage 1, Archana Todi fosters both passion and compassion in children. Her philosophy aligns with the Riverside ICAN mindset, emphasizing purposeful education that challenges and nurtures curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. Archana’s holistic, inquiry-based, and research-driven approach helps children form meaningful connections, engage in joyful learning, and deepen their self-awareness.

    As a leader, she consistently strives for excellence, coaching teachers for professional development and prioritizing the well-being of both students and staff. Her patience and sensitivity allow her to build strong relationships with children and parents alike.

    Archana holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education from IGNOU and a background in Jewelry Design from NIJD, which she incorporates into ICAN Passion Projects to enrich learning.

    In addition to her leadership role, she has curated Early Childhood Curriculums and conducts training workshops for school leaders, teachers, and management through the Riverside Learning Center. She also mentors school teams in implementing the ICAN Approach.


  • Pranay Desai

    Pranay Desai has 11 years of design practice behind him. He graduated from the prestigious MS University of Baroda and specializes in Visual Communication. His core competency is in the area of Graphic Design. Pranay has been a visiting faculty for Art and Design at Riverside for the students of Keystage 3. He has been responsible for the design backend and support for Design for Change since its inception in 2009.

  • Vinita Modi
    B.A. | 17 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Vinita, also known as Flogent. Through art, Vinita creates a space where her children get to know themselves, others and the world better, allowing for the enrichment of their sense of empathy. Her intervention gives them a pause, gets them to go closer to things; to find the extraordinary in the ordinary; to discover patterns both physical and psychological, as a fall out of the gap that is likely to be bridged between individuals. An intervention in weaving with Grade 6 made some of them say, “We got to know skills and attitudes as we always focus on content and character – it was a balance of that,” ”Weaving was similar to Zen Mode because in weaving we also get time to be calm and patient and it was like a reflecting time for me,” and “Weaving slowed me down. If I had a bad day I would cool down when weaving.” Vinita has a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Art. She has been teaching at Riverside for twelve years.

  • Nilufer Siganporia
    B.Com | 14 Years as an Administrator & Exams Officer

    After working in the corporate sector for over 31 years, Mrs. Nilufer Siganporia joined Riverside as an Administrator for Key Stage 3 in April, 2009. A Commerce Graduate, with a Diploma in Secretarial Practices, she is essentially a P.R./H.R. person. She is the first point of contact for visitors at Riverside, whom she familiarizes with the Riverside philosophy and environment, before handing them over to the concerned Educators/Facilitators. Whenever new Educators join the team, she takes them through an Admin orientation to welcome them to the Riverside family. Besides this, she also handles the correspondence for the entire school and works on the logistics of Kiran’s extensive travels. When it comes to Cambridge and implementation of Examination protocols, she will make no compromises whatsoever. Riverside is cited as a Centre of Excellence by Cambridge, and she constantly supports and goads the Teacher Team and Students to uphold this status. She was nicknamed “Mama Bear-Hugs” by the first batch of graduating students, and the nickname has stuck, because of the warm bear hugs that both students and teachers come to her for!! She loves to travel around the world with her family, listening to music and dancing. Nilu is “high on life” and just wants to bring love and joy in the lives of all whom she meets. Her life’s mantra is “God has a Plan for my Life, and that’s all I need to know”.

  • Parul Patel

    Parul Patel is associated with The Riverside School since its inception in 2001. A B.Com Graduate, she started her career as a Junior K.G. Teacher in 1990. Currently working as an Administrator, Parul was actively involved with the Design for Giving School Contest in 2009, and is an integral part of the Design for Change Global Contest since 2010. She enjoys reading and watching movies, and is an out-and-out people's person. Her administrative skills are impeccable and she puts her heart and soul into everything that she does.

  • Moinuddin Shaikh
    B.Com | 8 years as a Lab Consultant

    Moinuddin Shaikh is a Commerce Graduate from Seth R A Bhavan's College, Ahmedabad. Prior to joining Riverside, he worked as a Supervisor in K.C.I.C. Pvt. Ltd., a Ground Handling Agent operating at the S.V.P. International Airport, Ahmedabad. Moin is a very soft-spoken and humble person, completely dedicated to his work. Besides looking after the Science Laboratories and Maker Space on campus, he ensures that the School premises are well maintained at all times. He is always willing to help people, in whatever way he can, and enjoys driving and traveling.

  • Roli Terway
    M.A. (English Literature) | 6 years in Education

    Roli has done her Masters in English Literature. She has lived in many different cities all over India and thus has a cosmopolitan outlook. She started her career in Bhilai by working as Assistant to the Chairman of an Engineering company. From there she moved to working in a Pharmaceutical company in Ahmedabad. She has overcome a seemingly insurmountable physical condition with cheerfulness and a strong will power. Hers is the story that determination can make you achieve anything in life!! She is fond of movies and cooking and is a peoples person. She is often described as "a vivacious and fun loving person"

  • Dhruv Trivedi
    B.Ed | 18 years as a Sports Coach

    Meet Eduhero Dhruv. Dhruv is very patient with kids and deals with utmost care. He is a health freak and therefore has been admired for his fitness. He is a very good dancer, too. He has been a part of cricket and table tennis teams in his school days. Dhruv has served the Riverside Team as a Sports Coach since June of 2004. He has diploma in Yoga.

  • Sagar Patel
    | 12 years as a Sports Coach

    Meet Eduhero Sagar Patel, also known as Pied Piper. Sagar is interested in physical fitness and conducts sports sessions for students. When we met one of his Grade 8 students, this is what he had to say about him: “He is always fair in his decision and loves to play with the students. He always guides the students to plan a better coaching session by pushing them further. You will always see him surrounded by KS1 kids at the end of the day waiting for his cheerful goodbye.” Sagar has played hockey at the national level for five years and uses his passion for the sport to teach his students to enjoy playing sports as well.

  • Keshav Chatterjee

    Keshav is a visiting educator at Riverside School, where he facilitates environmental exposure. His particular interests are promoting environmental education and meeting the needs of special children. He served as a educator at Eklavya school for several years after completing his training at Eklavya Institute of Teacher Education. Keshav is the Managing Trustee and Director of the Prabhat Education Foundation.

  • Premila Makwana

    Premila Makwana is another new entrant – having joined Riverside in July,2018. She is a quick learner and has adapted to the school routine very easily, despite this being the first time she is working in a School. She is very caring by nature, and loves being with young children. Not only does she enjoy cooking, but she also loves to serve others the delicacies that she makes.

  • Mahendra Patel

    Mahendra Patel has been working at Riverside since November, 2015. He is very quiet in nature and goes about his work with full dedication. He lends a helping hand in keeping the campus clean at all times and diligently takes care of all the plants and greenery around. He is a willing worker and takes on any responsibility entrusted to him.

  • Peena Vijay Rathod

    Peena Rathod has been working with Riverside since July, 2012. She has an extremely friendly nature and you will always see a smile on her face. Living in a joint family has taught her the art of working very amicably with her peers. A willing worker, she will readily step in wherever she is asked to, and diligently complete any task assigned to her.

  • Pinky Praveen Solanki

    Pinky Solanki has been associated with Riverside since July, 2009. She is a very caring and loving person, who loves being with children. Her current involvement with Pre-K has earned her the title of being the “3rd Teacher of Pre-K” – thanks to the dedication with she works with these students. She is an excellent seamstress who is also very good with embroidery work. She loves to create various molds and models from clay and this makes her very popular with her young students.

  • Minaxi Solanki

    Minaxi Solanki who have recently joined our parivaar. She is mother of 2 kids and loves working with young students. She has worked closely with younger children in previous school. Looking at the skills she comes with she has been stationed in K-2.

  • Jignasa Sondagar

    Jignasa is 42 years old and is a single mother. She has 3 daughters and a son. Whilst her oldest daughter is working, the remaining 3 children go to school. She enjoys cooking and makes delicious Gujarati food!! She lives with her children in Noble Nagar. Her present scope of work at Riverside includes cleaning and helping in common areas. She will also lend a helping hand wherever needed. She is a hardworking and energetic individual. Do say hello to her when you see her around.

  • Sandeep Singh Avtar Singh Gill

    Sandeep Singh Avtar Singh Gill (known to all of us as Sonubhai) has been a Driver at Riverside since August, 2006. However, he started off as a Conductor and then trained to become a Driver. He is an avid Sportsman and enjoys playing varied Sports. He also likes to watch Bollywood Movies and the Kapil Sharma Comedy Show on Television is his all-time favourite.

  • Hemant Chinubhai Shah

    Hemant Chinubhai Shah joined Riverside as a Driver in March, 2009. Unlike most other members of the Team, Hemantbhai enjoys playing Chess, and is ever ready to play a game of Chess if time permits. He enjoys watching Bollywood movies and listening to old Movie Songs. He is an excellent Mimic and loves to imitate members of the Riverside family.

  • Ketan Thakor

    Ketan Thakor has been a Conductor at Riverside since December, 2015. Very quiet and reticent by nature, it takes a lot to get him to speak up or involve him in any conversations. His favourite pass-time is to watch new Bollywood movies.

  • Kalpesh Kumar Kantilal Trivedi

    Kalpesh Kumar Kantilal Trivedi joined Riverside as a Driver in June, 2007. He enjoys playing Cricket as well as Volley-Ball. He is a quiet and soft spoken person and emotional by nature. His paramount interest is to ensure that the children he drives to and from school commute safely in his bus.

  • Hiral Dholakia
    M.Ed. Special Education, P.G. Diploma in Counseling | 20 years in Education

    Meet Eduhero Hiral Dholakia, also known as Smilangelica. Hiral spends her time learning about the nuances in various practices at Riverside, planning schedules for workshops, sharing the achievements of students and guiding guests through the Riverside journey. Additionally, Hiral works to create innovative strategies for reaching out to the public, improving on existing models, and planning remedial programs for SEN. Hiral’s colleagues have conveyed that she is extremely passionate about her work, and it is evident in her compassionate and patient handling of students and visitors. The Director of Riverside, Kiran Sethi, said, “Her ability to adapt to situations and be immersed in new situations is visible.” Hiral has a Master’s degree in Special Education with a specialization in Learning Disability from SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. After five years of experience in the field of assessment and remedial work, she went on to co-found the REACH School in Mumbai for children with learning disabilities prior to joining Riverside.

  • Seema Panj Nermeti
    B.A(political science, sociology, public administration), PGDCA | 25 years in Education

    Seema Panj Nermeti is an amalgamation of the rich Hindu and Muslim heritage inherited from her educator parents. She was always given the freedom to choose what she wanted to do. It can be seen in the gamut of education she acquired.... a Graduation in Sociology, Public Administration and Political Science as well as a diploma in Systems Administrations from NIIT and a diploma in Mechanical Engineering and other certificates that were acquired in last 2 decades spell out loudly that Seema has no Seema!! In the 25 years of her rich experience as an educator and administrator she has had opportunity to work with the best brands as well as start up schools. She also has the expertise of setting up a school, running the administration, dealing with multiple boards and handling diverse mind sets. People usually get a pleasant surprise when they find her serene demeanour suddenly cracking a whacky joke. This fun side comes handy while dealing with stressful situations or helping subordinates and colleagues open up. According to her, the best solutions and initiatives are driven with a smile and a lil' bit of unaudited laughter. She has a doting husband and an over zealous son who constantly keep her on the feet. She also has pets who (she claims!) love her more than her husband and son put together. Seema loves cooking for people she loves & also loves eating with everyone. She enjoys working with kids as she knows she is growing with them.

  • Dhwani Soni
    B.Com | 5 years in Education

    Dhwani Soni graduated from Mumbai University and would be pursuing her master's degree too from there. She has worked in the jewelry field for almost six years. The timings there turned out to be challenging after she had a child and she was unable to satisfactorily manage her job along with her responsibilities as a mother; hence she quit.

    She then worked in the education field and realized that she could take her career ahead and would not have to compromise in the upbringing of her child. 

    Teaching allows Dhwani to make a difference in someone's life for a year and this is what keeps her enthusiasm intact while working with students.

    Earlier she worked with TGES at Rajkot for almost 3 years and then shifted to Ahmedabad. She feels that the opportunity of working at Riverside will give her the perfect platform to grow in her professional career.

    To improve her language she reads a lot. She is fond of painting and enjoys sleeping after a good meal 

  • Kumar Joshi
    M.Sc.(Organic chemistry), M.Ed | 5 years in Education

    Kumar Joshi is also known as Kami. He holds a Masters degree in pure sciences - Msc in Organic Chemistry from Parul University. He also holds a B. Ed degree which he's obtained from JG College, Ahmedabad. For Kumar, teaching is a 'passion turned into profession.' He believes that teaching the current generation would keep him connected with the upcoming future. He also strictly believes that being in touch with humans is better than being stuck to computer screens; it keeps humanity alive!! 

    Kumar has prepared a research paper wherein he has worked on the removal of heavy metals. This research paper of his has been published in an international journal. 

    Personally he's a cinephile and an anime fan which helps keep the drive in him alive while he's off from work. Cooking is also one of his hobbies; he loves feeding people experimental dishes which contain his own touch of "magic."

  • Khushboo Maskara
    B.Com | 1 year in Education

    Khushboo Maskara is a designer, creator, artist and server at heart and that is what drove her to this opportunity at Riverside. Though a diamond grader by qualification, being around kids has always been fun and she feels immensely energized by being around them. She enjoys the fact that she's able to add value to their lives.
    A mother of a 10 year old (Riana) at Riverside, she is overjoyed to see how
    her daughter is growing up to be a wonderful person. Khushboo also loves to be a hair stylist and makeup artist for her daughter - whenever she would want her to be!!  :-)

  • Swati Purohit
    M.A. (Hindi Literature), B.Ed | 12 years in education

    Swati Purohit is very happy and excited about working at Riverside with such a dedicated team. She is a teacher by choice and loves interacting with students. She has done her MA in Hindi Literature and has a B.Ed. degree too. She has 12 years teaching experience. Her hobbies are Reading, Writing ,Singing and painting . Her strengths are her honesty and diligent work. She likes to learn new things and in her opinion, learning is a never ending process and one should always be open to learning new things! Choosing short-term goals and achieving them is something she really enjoys. Her father is a retired teacher and mother is a housewife. Her father-in-law is a retired Branch manager and mother-in-law is a housewife. Her husband works in Torrent Pharma as an Assistant Manager. She is blessed with two children - a daughter, who studies in Grade 11; and a son who studies in Grade 2. Her native place is Ratlam (MP).


    Riverside is a school of her dreams.... The moment she stepped into this school, she realized that this was a fascinating place. Here she discovered that all human beings are happy, calm, focused, confident and intelligent. She noted that students were happily and proudly mopping the floor and they were animatedly talking and discussing things with the teachers. She has not seen any teacher shouting, lecturing or scolding the students.

  • Parvez Shaikh
    BBA | 8 Years in Event Management

    Parvez a graduate in Business Administration (Event management and Public relations) from the Bharatiyar University.

    With an experience of around seven years in the field of event management, all through he has been known for his calm nature along with a decisive nature. 

    Experiences and interactions throughout his career have shaped him as an adaptive individual and an ever-ready learner.

    He is an explorer both ways - personally as well as professionally. In terms of work, he loves to explore new ideas, designs and methods. Personally, he enjoys exploring new places, food and cultures. In his free time Parvez loves meeting his friends, going for long drives and playing table tennis.

    Talking about his family, they are a family of four - his father, his brother, his wife - Shafaq and himself. He feels his personality of being a 'Go-getter' stems from them. 

    All in all, he believes that every day of life is a new lesson which brings new learnings for everyone.

  • Waheeda M Munshi 
    BCA, MBA, D.EL.ED | 11 years in Education

    Waheeda M Munshi has done her Bachelors in Computer Applications from IGNOU. Further she pursued D.EL.ED through NIOS. She has also done her MBA through National Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. She has worked passionately at Sacred Heart Primary School, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad for 10 years and taught students of  all grades. She firmly believes that every child is gifted, and is passionate about bringing out the best in each one of them. She always seeks to improve the well being of her students and colleagues. She comforts them by listening to them with a lot of patience. Waheeda mainly teaches English but is fluent in Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu and Arabic as well. Not only is she interested in reading, she enjoys singing songs too!! She likes being peaceful under all circumstances.


  • Andrews McEwan 
    M.Sc, M.Ed | 5 years in Education

    With an eclectic mix of talents and interests, this individual is a true renaissance man. With a natural sense of humour, a passion for anime, and a diverse palette as a food enthusiast, he's always exploring new interests. But that's not all - he's also an accomplished musician, able to switch between guitar and piano with ease. As a Physics Educator, he firmly believes that education is about shaping minds, not just building careers. Engaging in philosophical discussions, this individual's multifaceted talents and interests make him one-of-a-kind. And if you're wondering how he can possess such a mixed bag of abilities, well, he is Jimmy Andrews.

  • Shivangi Arjaria
    M.B.A. | 6 years in Administration

    Shivangi Arjaria has worked at different locations with different International Schools as an Administrator and thoroughly enjoyed the profile and the everyday challenges it brings to the table. She also has an inclination towards DIY crafts and Home Decor and loves creating short videos on Instagram where, over a period of one year, she has organically built a community of over 2500 followers. She is rather spiritual, not religious. 

    Travelling with her family is something that she always looks forward to. 

  • Anjali Dama
    B.Sc Zoology | 4 months in Education

    Anjali Dama's original native place is Gujarat, Arvalli district; but she's born and
    raised in Chittorgarh, Rajasthan. She completed her schooling from St. Paul’s Sr. Sec. School, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan. She moved to Ahmedabad in 2017 and has earned a bachelor’s degree in Zoology from St. Xavier’s autonomous college, Ahmedabad. She has recently completed her Bachelor of Education from J.G. College of education. Having a strong affinity for children has made her indulge in the art of being a teacher. 

    She has also successfully completed research on the Ethology of Milvus migrans (more commonly, Black kite) when she enrolled in the Undergraduate Research Program, 2019 at St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad. Being greatly inclined towards sports, she's had the opportunity to play in state level tournaments in both basketball and table tennis. Being away from her parents, who are also  teachers by profession, and younger brother, with whom she enjoys indulging in friendly banter, is taxing but she takes out time for them. Her friends and peers often refer to her as "nothing less than a blessing." And, she feels the same way about them. Apart from being a foodie and a yoga enthusiast, she has a thing for  the performing arts (music and dance) and will jump at every occasion to perform traditional Rajasthani folk dance (Ghoomar) and other modern dance styles. As an artist, she's won a couple of district level painting contests during her school years.

  • Yashvi Shah
    BA English Literature |

    Yashvi Shah - A bubbly, cheerful and extrovert personality who's very eager to do things impactfully. She has pursued her Bachelor's in English literature and hence is majorly interested in teaching, writing, psychology, anchoring... Being in a family where her elder siblings are in the teaching field, Yashvi realized the importance of being in the same field early enough for its capacity to bring the change! She firmly believes in, Whatever you do, do it with a Smile! 

    Natively belonging to the city of Rajkot and pursuing a career in Ahmedabad,  gives her ample opportunity to meet new people and the learning it provides gives her the highest dopamine rush. She looks forward to more of the same at Riverside!


  • Veena Jha 
    PG in Biotechnology, B.Ed | 10 years in Education

    Veena Jha has completed her Masters in Biotechnology. She started her career as a Research Analyst in Leiden University Medical Centre (The Netherlands). After that, she worked quite successfully at various other Universities in similar capacities. Although it was a wonderful journey with the grown-up kids, she wanted to teach younger children - those studying in schools - and therefore she equipped herself with a B.Ed degree. Along with teaching and learning, her family is an integral part of her life. Spending time with her daughter is something she likes to do when she's at leisure. She believes that she's blessed with a beautiful life and wants to make it more beautiful by contributing to others' lives by being a great teacher. 


  • Khushboo Mehta
    CA | 10 years in Education

    She has more than 10 years of teaching experience. After taking a Bachelor's degree in Commerce from HR College of Commerce and Economics (Mumbai University), She went on to obtain a Chartered Accountant degree from ICAI. She is a Vipassana meditator and loves dancing and trekking too.

    Khushboo strives to use relevant teaching methods, techniques, and technology; including storytelling, experiential learning, imagination, and group involvement in order to hold the interest of the students and encourage them to be lifelong learners. Parents and students can expect a classroom that is run by love and a passion for the subject of Economics.

  • Simran Kurseja 
    M.Sc. in Counselling Psychology |

    Simran Kurseja  was born and brought up in Ahmedabad and is an 'Amdavadi Girl' at heart. She lives with her parents, younger brother and grandmother and is truly grateful to them for always having unwavering faith in her for whatever she chooses to pursue. What began as a gentle interest in Psychology in Grade 11, quickly turned into a devotion for the subject down the years. She completed her graduation in Psychology post which she did a PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology. During this course, she worked closely with children and chose to deepen her knowledge and hone her skills by pursuing MSc in Counselling Psychology. As a child, one would often find her wearing a 'dupatta' and pretend to teach her toys. To say this is a dream come true for Little Simran is an understatement. She thoroughly enjoys all forms of creativity and strives to bring that part of her personality to the workspace. When not working, you can find her stargazing, reading or trying her hand at new art forms. She has been learning and growing in the field of psychology since the last 9 years and is super excited to relay the same as an EduHero at Riverside!


  • Neha Shahani
    B.Com., M.Com. and B.Ed. | 6 years in Education

    Neha Shahani is a passionate and dedicated educator with a deep enthusiasm for teaching. After completing her schooling at Rajasthan Hindi High School in Ahmedabad, she earned her B.Com and B.Ed degrees from GLS Institute, followed by an M.Com.

    Known for her helpful and considerate nature, Neha finds joy in creative pursuits, with crafting bringing her immense happiness and dancing being her true passion. She also has a deep love for board games, enjoying the challenge of playing, replicating, and modifying them. She believes board games are powerful tools for teaching 21st-century skills and building character.

    Guided by Mahatma Gandhi's words, "Education which does not mold the character is absolutely worthless," Neha integrates this philosophy into her teaching, focusing on both academic learning and character development.

  • Vijay Sharma
    B.Com. |

    Vijay Sharma is a Commerce graduate from Calcutta University. He moved to Ahmedabad in 1997 and has been residing here ever since. By profession, he is an Accounts, Finance and Taxation person with an experience in the corporate field for nineteen years and from the last eleven years as a freelancer in the finance sector.

    But at heart, he has always been a language person!! Since his college days, he enjoyed writing poems, scripts and stories in Hindi. His association with Riverside has been long and in different capacities. Now as an educator, he feels it will allow him to empower kids to explore the beauty of one of our official languages.

  • Anjali Alwani
    MSc in Math, B.Ed | 7 years

    Anjali was born and raised in Bhopal (MP) and completed her education there. She has a deep passion for teaching and finds great fulfilment in her  profession. She strives to be humble and kind, and is dedicated to the growth and development of her community. She is blessed with a wonderful family who provide a strong support system. Her core family consists of her parents-in-law, husband, and a delightful daughter. Traveling and exploring new places bring her joy, and during leisure time, she indulges in singing and reading non-fiction books.

  • Hetal Gajjar
    LLB, MA |

    Hetal Gajjar is an exceptionally multifaceted personality. She is an avid biker, which reflects her bold and adventurous spirit. Her passion for staying active and centered is evident as she is also a certified yoga instructor. Her love for travel complements her adventurous nature, and it is no surprise that she is deeply enamored with adventure sports.

    However, the tapestry of Hetal's personality is intricately woven with a deep-rooted love for her family. Her daughter Eva, who studies in Grade 5 at Riverside, holds a special place in her heart. Additionally, Hetal's pursuits and passions are bolstered by the unwavering support of her husband, who has been a pillar of strength in her life.

    Hetal’s professional journey started in the field of law. She has been practicing law since 2004 after earning her law degree from Mumbai University. A devoted professional, she made a significant impact in her field; but after the birth of her daughter, Hetal found a new calling. She discovered her passion for early childhood movement education and realized how imperative it is for children's development.

    This newfound zeal became a turning point in her life. Hetal decided to channelise her energy into early childhood development in 2016, where she approaches with the same rigor and dedication that she showed in her legal career. Her husband's support played an invaluable role in this transition, encouraging her to embrace her new path alongside her legal practice.

    As a person with diverse interests, Hetal believes that a person is capable of wearing many hats and excelling in multiple domains. She is a shining example of how one can seamlessly transition between careers and interests, driven by passion, purpose, and the support of loved ones. Hetal’s journey serves as an inspiration for many to pursue their passions relentlessly, and her life story is a testament to the endless possibilities that open up when one remains open to growth and learning.

  • Anushree Goyal
    B.Sc in Biotechnology, M. Sc in Life science, B.Ed | 7 years

    Anushree Goyal, a remarkable individual who brings dedication, honesty, and a passion for knowledge to the forefront of education. With a background in Biochemistry, Life Science, and Mathematics, her expertise spans a wide range of subjects, allowing her to engage with students on multiple levels.

    Her talents extend beyond the classroom. As a lover of dance, she has mastered the art of Bharatnatyam, dabbled in hip hop, and even embarked on her journey into the captivating world of belly dancing. This vibrant energy and creativity naturally spill over into her teaching style, captivating young minds and making learning an exciting adventure.

    An avid reader of mystery novels and a connoisseur of thrilling movies and series, she possesses a keen eye for intrigue, inspiring her students to explore the depths of critical thinking and problem-solving.

    However, what truly sets Anushree apart is her unwavering commitment to her students' growth and well-being. Going above and beyond, she nurtures connections with her pupils, fostering an environment of peace and comfort. With over six years of experience handling Grade 3 and 4, her determination and resilience ensure that she never gives up on her students' potential.

    Anushree Goyal is on an educational journey that transcends the ordinary, where learning becomes an exhilarating experience filled with laughter, discovery, and endless possibilities.

  • Nehal Shrimali

    Nehal Shrimali has been working with Riverside since November, 2021. She has an extremely friendly nature and you will always see a smile on her face. Living in a joint family has taught her the art of working very amicably with her peers. 

  • Vikram Singh Sikh

    Vikram Singh Sikh  has been a Conductor at Riverside since June, 2021. Very quiet and reticent by nature, it takes a lot to get him to speak up or involve him in any conversations. He loves to read and write.. 

  • Rupesh Kumar Thakor

    Rupesh Kumar Thakor has been a Driver at Riverside since June, 2023.  He also likes to watch Bollywood Movies and the Kapil Sharma Comedy Show on Television is his all-time favourite.

  • Tejas Sharma

    Tejas Sharma has been a Football Coach for the last 11 years in Ahmedabad. He has worked as a Coach in almost all the schools and Football Clubs of Ahmedabad. He started his career as the Assistant coach (for under 15 yrs) with the "I League" tournament conducted by AIFF (All India Football Federation). He has also been a coach at GSFA and proudly states that his teams have won the maximum number of trophies under his coaching!! He was the Head Coach for  Under 9 years kids at the Baichung Bhutia Football School. 

    As a qualified coach, he has cleared the exams for "D License" and "Grassroot" courses from AIFF, Ahmedabad. 

    He is currently associated with Kahaani Sports Academy & Kahaani Football Club as Head of Scout whereby he scouts for the best players for their team. He enjoys sports so much that he has dedicated his entire life to not only Football but other sports too.

  • Raj Dhamelia

    Raj has been a passionate advocate for child friendly cities and gender equality, who believes in transforming ideas into reality. He is an MBA graduate from K.S. School of Business Management, Ahmedabad. Raj has 3 years of experience in the hospitality industry and  more than 10 years of experience in social causes. He is leading the Bindi Project which is about inspiring people to love and respect India's daughters.  He is program head at aProCh. 


  • Vipul Kholapure

    Vipul is a remarkable admin support professional whose journey began at the tender age of 17 with Raag Travels. Recognizing his skills, he later embarked on a new chapter at Riverside School, where he continues to shine. He likes to explore technology seamlessly integrating it into his administrative role.

    Off the desk and onto the cricket field, he showcases his talents with a cricket bat. He also loves to travel and explore new places whenever time permits. He truly works as the backbone of the admin department.

  • Swati Rao
    B.Sc in Biotechnology, MA in Psycology, B.Ed | 11 years

    Swati Rao has been an educator for more than a decade; single parent to a 10 year old daughter. She has studied Biotechnology in Karnataka and then later decided to equip herself to become an educator. She has also done her Masters in Counselling Psychology from IGNOU. She is a nature enthusiast, crazy and always in for  bird watching and nature excursions, which serve to boost her up. She has an emotional connection with humans around her and her empathy hormones are quite on a rise. Love is what she thrives for and is all in all a mixture of love, transparency, integrity and honesty!! She feels fortunate to be at Riverside and always looks forward to having the best of experiences. She wishes to explore more of ' I Cans' in herself as well as in the young enthusiasts!!

  • Anuradha Neeraj
    MHM |

    Anuradha Neeraj, is a sociologist by education, Hospital Administrator by training, and an educationist by profession. She's a mother to two growing daughters and wife of an Officer in the Indian Army. She's travelled the length and breadth of our Nation and draws inspiration from its people and her experiences. Anuradha likes to cook, bake and puts a premium on nurturing!!

  • Kanan Jagasheth
    BCom, CWA (16 years in education) |

    She worked with Riverside as a KS1 teacher during 2005 to 2007 during which time she soaked in the different ideologies underlying Riverside's experimental teaching learning processes like The Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardener, Differentiated Instruction and Teaching for Understanding.

    It was by chance that she began her teaching journey with Riverside; but she continued on the path of learning & education by choice. From 2008 to 2022 she was associated with St Kabir group of Schools where she conducted value based films programs along with Life skills coaching. Her strong belief in "I Can" has brought her back to Riverside.

    Kanan believes that everyone is unique and differences should be celebrated. She is a good listener. Regular practice of Yoga & meditation has enabled her to be more patient in her dealing with students. Her life mantra is to stay Positive & Never give Up. She loves being with nature and watches Discovery Plus & Docubay.  

  • Anu Malik Garg
    MBA | 20 Years

    Anu became infused with Design for Change “I CAN spirit” when she joined the DFC Singapore team in 2015 . DFC's ethos resonated with her internal echo as a mother to empower children. In various capacities as —Trainer, Facilitator, Content Strategist, Social Media Marketer, and Project Manager—Anu witnessed the profound impact of FIDS on students, strengthening her commitment to DFC's mission. 

    Among her remarkable projects, Anu spearheaded "I CAN Singapore eBook," curating 50 authentic change stories by children during the SG50 Celebration. 

    She also led the groundbreaking project for "Frasers Property Inclusive Spaces," engaging 200+ participants across generations in co-designing spaces for active seniors, promoting inclusivity and accessibility. 

    Executing the virtual global festival "A ONEderful World by Design 2022" Anu seamlessly managed the design, operations & logistics across three time zones with 60+ countries. 

    She has been instrumental in elevating DFC Singapore’s largest Inter-School Challenges since 2015.

    Despite her diverse roles, she finds her greatest fulfilment as a Trainer and Facilitator in the classroom, dedicating a decade to instilling the "I CAN" spirit in children and youth. 
    Beyond her professional endeavours, Anu is a wanderer, traveller, amateur photographer, and a digital nomad, authoring two books in 2023, "Free Fifties” and "Classroom to Corporate,” both acclaimed Amazon bestsellers.

  • Miloni Makwana
    MA in Education | 2.5 years

    Miloni Makwana is a 23 year old girl currently residing in Ahmedabad. She completed her Graduation in Political Science and is currently pursuing Masters in Education from TISS. She is passionate about public speaking, reading, and writing, with the latter leading her to becoming a published author. She was very keen to be a part of the Riverside Family to contribute her bit and learn from the diverse students and teachers here. She is looking forward to have a great time here and giving her best.

  • Moomal Singh
    B.A, B.Ed, PGDM- Travel & Tourism | 5 years

    MOOMAL SINGH is a passionate educator with a deep love for exploring the world and sharing her knowledge and experiences with others. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Education along with a diploma in Travel and Tourism. In addition to her role as an educator, she has also worked with a travel startup that has helped her become someone who believes in the transformative power of exploring new cultures and places. 

    Moomal will be shifting to Ahmedabad along with her husband and son and cat named 'Kitta!' :-) 

    She's thrilled to begin her learning journey at Riverside and looks forward to interacting with all the members at Riverside.

  • Chinmay G. Deshpande
    B.E (CSE), MBA(Energy) | 10 years

    Chinmay G. Deshpande, hails from the vibrant city of Indore, nestled in the heart of Madhya Pradesh. As an educator, he is fueled by a profound passion for three disciplines that shape the very fabric of our understanding: physics, mathematics, and information technology. Beyond the confines of the classroom, he finds immense joy in guiding and nurturing aspiring young minds, particularly those with dreams of serving our nation through technical entries in the armed forces. But his interests extend far beyond academia; he is an avid traveler, finds inspiration and knowledge in the diverse cultures and landscapes our country has to offer. Moreover, he is deeply committed to sustainable practices, as evidenced by his active membership in Solar Cookers International. And lastly, his fascination with geopolitics fuels his desire to comprehend the intricate workings of our global society. He is thrilled to embark on this journey of learning and growth with each and every one of us.

  • Ilisha Mehta

    Ever since she was a kid, Ilisha has been addicted to reading books. Starting from Amar Chitra Katha, Harry Potter, leading up to Japanese manga and queer poetry, the list remains endless. She is grateful to her parents and grandparents, who encouraged this by always saying yes to visiting the Crossword near her home. Her love for literature led her to study liberal arts, which instilled an interdisciplinary mindset that she carries forward as an educator. 

    After completing her masters in literature, Ilisha was excited to begin teaching and conduct research. She has worked across various fields as a writer, editor and curriculum developer. However, she cherishes her teaching journey the most, which started at Ahmedabad University and continues at Riverside!

    The only superstition Ilisha believes is that if she solves the Wordle within 4 tries, her day will go well. Aside from language games, she is obsessed with art and stationery as it fuels her soul. Currently, she is interested in learning Korean and goes to singing classes

  • Sudeshna Hore
    MBA Finances | 13 years

    Ms. Sudeshna Hore boasts an illustrious teaching career spanning over 12 years, specializing in IGCSE and A-level English and Business Studies. A consummate bibliophile, she intertwines her fervour for literature with a discerning comprehension of geopolitical intricacies. Her eclectic pursuits encompass horticulture, fine art photography, and globetrotting, all of which imbue her pedagogy with a rich tapestry of experiences. An ardent philanthropist, she is dedicated to inculcating a sense of altruism and civic duty in her pupils. Her educational ethos is predicated on cultivating intellectual rigor and a perpetual passion for erudition. Through her holistic and avant-garde approach, she not only champions scholastic excellence but also fosters the development of well-rounded, globally-conscious individuals.


  • Hitesh Thakor

    Hitesh Thakor, after completing his job responsibilities, is deeply involved in his family's balloon decoration business, a venture he truly enjoys. His love for exploring new places often takes him on various trips, with Mount Abu being his favorite destination for a refreshing break. Hitesh finds joy in both his work and his travels, balancing his professional and personal passions with ease.

  • Dalpatbhai Solanki

    Dalpatbhai has a deep passion for cooking, dedicating his evenings after work to preparing meals. His love for the culinary arts is matched by his practical skills in electrical circuits, a knowledge he puts to use by assisting his father in his work. Balancing his professional life with these diverse interests, Dalpatbhai brings dedication and enthusiasm to everything he does.

  • Jigar Patel

    Jigar Bhai has a deep love for cricket, a sport that he follows with great enthusiasm. His day isn't complete without enjoying a good cup of tea, and he often unwinds by watching movies. Jigar Bhai also has a passion for exploring new places, always eager to experience different cultures and environments. His interests reflect a well-rounded personality with a zest for life.

  • Ravi Thakor

    Ravi Bhai, with 11 years of driving experience, is a kind and approachable individual who enjoys interacting with young students, inspired by his own two young sons. A family-oriented person, he cherishes spending weekends exploring new places with his family. Ravi Bhai also has a deep appreciation for Gujarati food, savoring the flavors and traditions of his culture. His warmth and dedication to both his family and profession make him a beloved figure in his community.

  • KetanKumar Thakor

    Ketan Bhai brings a decade of driving experience to his work, showcasing his dedication and skill. Outside of his job, he has a deep love for farming and actively helps his father in agricultural tasks. A true foodie, Ketan Bhai particularly enjoys non-vegetarian dishes, always eager to explore different flavors. His passion for both his profession and his culinary interests reflects his well-rounded and vibrant personality.

  • Ajay Thakor

    Ajay Bhai brings 8 years of driving experience, with a particular fondness for long drives that allow him to explore and unwind. He enjoys watching movies in his leisure time, finding entertainment and relaxation in cinema. When it comes to food, Ajay Bhai has a special liking for guvar, his favorite vegetable. His interests reflect a love for both adventure and simple pleasures.

  • Kanaiyalal Gohel

    Kanu Bhai boasts 15 years of driving experience, showcasing his expertise and dedication on the road. He has a strong appreciation for non-vegetarian food, often indulging in his favorite dishes. In his downtime, Kanu Bhai enjoys watching "Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah," finding entertainment and laughter in the popular TV show. His varied interests reflect a balance between his professional life and personal pleasures.

  • Jignesh Thakor

    Jigar Bhai has a multifaceted personality, blending his passions for farming, meeting friends, and driving his bike. His love for farming reflects his connection to the land and its rewards, while spending time with friends and exploring new places on his bike adds joy and excitement to his life. In addition, Jigar Bhai finds relaxation and entertainment in watching movies, rounding out his diverse set of interests.

  • Jitendra Ahuja
    B.E n IT | 3 years in Education

    Jitendra Ahuja, 27, an IT Engineer and Educator, also known for his hard work and talent, is called "Mr. Perfectionist".
    Right from working in an MNC in IT, to Education, his journey has been wonderful and inspiring to the people around. It was when he had to leave IT for having weak cylindrical lens so he was unable to work a lot of screen time and finally ending up into Education as he had already been teaching since he was 15 as the zonal topper of class 10, 2012 batch from Sadhu Vaswani School. He continued his schooling from Infocity Gandhinagar and did BE in IT from GEC Gandhinagar.
    How can we not talk about his skills and talents when it's Mr. Jack. He is a Dancer and Choreographer, Anchor, Micro Influencer on IG, Content Creator, and what not, but above all, he believes in supporting and uplifting everyone around. Also, he believes in Modesty and Philanthropy. Being a Philanthropist, he always and helps others around being on the ground state to make people feel comfortable and confident.

  • Anoushka Parakh
    | Integrated Master in Design

    Anoushka Parakh is thrilled to be joining the Riverside School team. Her academic journey reflects a rich blend of creativity and tradition. She completed an Integrated Master’s degree in Graphic Design at GLS Institute of Design,where she built a strong foundation in design and aesthetics. However, her world extends beyond design. With over 12 years dedicated to the art of Bharatanatyam, she completed a 10-year  diploma under the guidance of her Guruji, Smt. Bijal Haria, at the Parampara Academy of Performing Arts. Theseyears in dance have imparted invaluable lessons in tradition, discipline, and creativity. Currently, she assists her Guru in teaching Bharatanatyam at the academy, especially to young toddlers and children whose innocence, capability,and joyful smiles bring her immense happiness while simultaneously pursuing a
    Bachelors degree in Performing Arts as well under the her guru’s guidance. She also manages the academy’s social media accounts.

    Anoushka has a deep interest in psychology, which she finds both fascinating and enriching. Her life philosophy centers around the qualities of patience, love,and respect, which guide her both personally and professionally. She attributes this mindset to her mother, Aarti Parakh, an academic educator with over 13 years of experience, whose strength and dedication have been a lasting inspiration.

    On a lighter note, there are several things that bring Anoushka endless joy. She has a deep love for dogs, a passion for travel as it allows her to explore new places, cultures, and traditions, and a fondness for fashion and personal style, which she believes reflects confidence and self-expression. Additionally, she enjoys capturing memories through photos and videos, preserving special moments to share with loved ones.

    Anoushka is genuinely grateful to be part of Riverside and looks forward to learning, growing, and contributing as much as she can. She thanks everyone for the warm welcome and is excited to embark on this journey together with the team.

  • Radhika Agarwal |

    Radhika is excited to join the Riverside family. She comes from a teaching background and brings skills in communication, explaining concepts clearly and age-appropriately, giving instructions, and engaging children in meaningful conversations.

    She is passionate about crafting, particularly making miniatures out of Lamasa clay, creating hampers, and exploring various creative pursuits.

    Outside of work, Radhika cherishes spending time with her family. She feels blessed to have a supportive partner, cooperative in-laws, and a nurturing nature toward children. Radhika is eager to contribute her skills and enthusiasm to the Riverside community.