Sports Culture at Riverside: A Foundation for Holistic Education

At Riverside, sports are more than just physical activity; they are an integral part of a well-rounded education. The school's commitment to promoting respect, leadership, and inclusivity through sports ensures that students develop into well-rounded individuals, ready to face the challenges of the future.

This comprehensive approach to sports culture guarantees that every student has the chance to participate, learn, and grow—both on and off the field. By integrating these values into their sports programs, Riverside is not just developing athletes but nurturing future leaders who understand the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and respect.

Sports Day Fairplay, Unity and Respect

Sports Days are often about competition and a 'winner takes all' mentality. The fastest, the most skilled athletes often take centre-stage and others are relegated to mere 'spectators' or 'cheer leaders' at best. The Riverside 'Sports Day' is unique in its design because skills other than just sporting prowess are given the same importance. Each squad is made up of myriad talents and skills - design, performances, speech writing, people managers and more. Suddenly, a day that is often dreaded by 'non athletes' becomes the most 'looked forward' day for all children.

Sports Coaching Inclusive, Collaborative & Supportive Leaders

Often sports is associated with skill and speed - and whilst teamwork and the right attitude are key 21st Century skills, these are often left to chance. The Riverside 'Sports Coaching progamme' is designed to intentionally focus on building 'attitude' first and skill as a natural subset. The 'coach' is selected on the basis of his/her attitude and then works with older buddies / teachers to plan a session that includes all children in a game to build new skills. Every session finishes with a reflective circle which then helps to nominate the next student coach. All these skills help build leadership among children.

Anjiplay Risk taker, confidence, creativity

Anji Play is an innovative educational philosophy developed by Cheng Xueqin in Anji County, China. Rooted in the principles of love, risk, joy, engagement, and reflection, Anji Play restores the fundamental right of True Play to every child.

At Riverside, we have incorporated Anji Play, ensuring that every day presents a new playground for our children.It emphasizes children's self-determination, granting them the freedom to choose what, where, and with whom they play. The teacher’s role becomes primarily that of an observer, particularly during activities involving physical risk. By nurturing confidence, creativity, and resilience, Anji Play empowers children to explore and learn through their own experiences.

Team Sports at Riverside

At Riverside, we are dedicated to the spirit of teamwork and collaboration, which is why we place a strong emphasis on team sports. These sports are inherently designed to require the participation of multiple individuals working together as a cohesive unit. The essence of team sports lies in the necessity of cooperation, where every player’s contribution is vital to achieving success.

We offer a range of team sports, including basketball, volleyball, cricket, and football. Each of these sports provides our students with the opportunity to develop and refine essential skills such as teamwork, strategy, and coordination. Through these activities, players learn the importance of communication, mutual support, and working towards a common goal, all while engaging in healthy competition against opposing teams.

At Riverside, we believe that team sports are more than just games—they are invaluable experiences that teach life lessons, build character, and strengthen the bonds between teammates. Join us in fostering a community where collaboration and unity are the keys to success, both on the field and in life.